IAS promotes the fifth edition of World Toilet Day

On November 19, the IAS held its fifth edition of World Toilet Day in Brazil. This year’s theme, as chosen by UN-Water, is "The Toilet: A Place of Peace,” reinforcing how access to safe and adequate toilets and sanitation contributes to a better life.

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Inclusive and sustainable sanitation for all by 2033

É inegável que temos no país um persistente quadro de desigualdade no acesso à água potável e ao saneamento, direitos humanos consagrados pelas Nações Unidas. Ao mesmo tempo, é recorrente a avaliação de que as metas de atendimento presentes no Marco Legal do Saneamento dificilmente serão cumpridas. Essa situação motiva a constante pressão da sociedade…

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IAS: 5 years working on behalf of sanitation issues

On April 18, 2019, the Water and Sanitation Institute (IAS), a civil society organization whose mission is to expand access to sanitation to the entire Brazilian population, was founded. According to the 2022 Census, one in four Brazilians still has no access to sanitation...

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IAS retrospective: water and sanitation in 2023

In Brazil, a country with historical problems of access to water and sanitation, time may go by but the challenges remain the same. And 2023 was no different. In fact, there was even a slight worsening of the situation. According to the 2023 Relatório Luz (Spotlight Report), Brazil has gone backwards in water and sanitation indicators, meaning that the 2030 target, established by the UN as a deadline for its member countries to make the world more sustainable and less unequal, has become more distant.

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IAS promotes World Toilet Day on the streets and online

Nos dias que precederam o Dia Mundial do Banheiro, em 19 de novembro, paulistanos foram surpreendidos com tampas de privada afixadas em postes, cestos de lixo e árvores.  Em cada uma das tampas decoradas, havia um QR Code por onde se chegava no site preparado pelo IAS especialmente para a data, com dados sobre as…

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Rajendra Singh: 'Water is climate. Climate is water'

Conhecido como o “homem da água da Índia”, Singh esteve em São Paulo no final de setembro a convite da Virada Sustentável. À frente da ONG Tarun Bharat Sangh, o indiano é responsável por iniciativas que regeneram áreas áridas e semiáridas e rios praticamente mortos. Segundo Rajendra, a situação da água na Índia é “muito…

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